Exascale computing workshop: experiences and best practices for porting applications to emerging HPC architectures and platforms
John Goodacre, University of Manchester
Welcome and introduction to Exascale Projects
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Yong Qin, HPC Advisory Council
The Effect of In-Network Computing-Capable Interconnects on the Scalability of CAE Simulations
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Peter Hopton, Iceotope
Hardware and Architecture
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Nikos Kossifidis, FORTH
Bring-up and boot environment of HPC multi-node daughter board
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Gino Perna, EnginSoft
Exascale system challenges: system software integration and application management
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Manolis Ploumidis, FORTH
Software developer's view of UNIMEM Platforms
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Kyunghum Kim, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre
Clusters and MPI
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Konstantin Bakanov, Queen's University of Belfast
Automatic Scheduling of OpenCL Tasks in a Cluster Environment
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Dirk Koch, Manchester University
The Role of FPGA Design Tools and Partial Reconfiguration in ECOSCALE
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Arslan Arif, Politecnico di Torino
Performance and energy-efficient implementation of a smart city application on FPGAs
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Manolis Ploumidis, FORTH
Experiences from porting MPI on the ExaNeSt platform
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Mike Ashworth, Manchester University
LFRIC weather application
Martin Kersten, MonetDB Solutions
Vanishing barriers in big data management technology for application development
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Dirk Pleiter, Jülich Supercomputing
Scaling scientific applications towards exascale
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Francesco Simula, INFN
Towards Real-time cortical simulations: energy and interconnect scaling on distributed systems
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Tom Vander Aa, IMEC
Virtual Molecule Screening on FPGA: First Experiments
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Luca Tornatore, INAF
Porting Astrophysical Applications on Exascale platforms
The international race to develop the world’s first exascale supercomputer is the next frontier in High Performance Computing (HPC). An exascale computer is one that can complete one quintillion (1018) Floating Point Operations Per Second (FLOPS). This represents a thousand-fold improvement over today’s petascale machines which can achieve one quadrillion (1015) flops. One exaflop (Eflops), therefore, equals 1000 petaflops (pflops)1.
But the creation of an exascale supercomputer requires substantial changes to the current technological models, including in the areas of energy consumption, scalability, network topology, memory, storage, resilience and, consequently, the programming models and systems software – none of which can scale to these performance levels.
Architecturally, existing petascale machines mainly deliver power through multi-core accelerators (Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), Cell Broadband Engine Architecture (Cell) processors, etc.), which have already created challenges for scientific applications. These stumbling blocks will become more evident in future exascale systems as millions of processing units cause parallel application scalability issues (due to sequential application parts having to synchronise their communications) and other bottlenecks.
This means that after the hardware and platforms, applications and systems software for exascale supercomputers need to be redesigned in order to exploit these numbers of computing units more efficiently.
This workshop aims to provide a forum for vanguard users and developers in the HPC arena to share their experiences and achievements around the various European platforms developed by the ExaNeSt, ExaNoDe, Ecoscale and EuroExa projects.
Whether you are designers of new hardware architectures or system components; software or application developers; or users that need to exploit these massive processing capacities, everyone has something valuable to contribute to the discussion in the development of this next frontier of HPC.
All these pioneering experiences provide vital information and perspectives on problems, solutions and challenges to software and hardware developers in the HPC sphere. This feedback is fundamental to assisting the efforts to make these architectures and platforms more widely available to the scientific and technological communities in the next several years, and to secure the economic, technological, scientific and industrial benefits that supercomputing potentially offers to the global challenges facing the world today.
1. See

Workshop scientific committee
Paul Carpinter
(Barcelona Supercomputing Centre – BSC)
Iakovos Mavroidis
(Telecommunication Systems Institute - TSI)
Giuliano Taffoni
(Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica – INAF)
Dirk Pleiter
(Jülich Supercomputing Centre)
Georgios Goumas
(Institute of Communication and Computer Systems - ICCS)
Marisa Zanotti | EnginSoft SpA | Phone +39 342 6496272
Giuliano Taffoni | INAF