
RECAM – Rapid Reconfiguration of Flexible Production Systems | Final Exploitation Event

RECAM – Rapid reconfiguration of flexible production systems: concept and vision

Sebastian Schroeck, Robert Bosch GmbH Corporate Research

Keynote: Ramp-up management in modular and reconfigurable manufacturing systems

Prof. Tullio Tolio, Politecnico di Milano, Director of ITIA CNR, President of the Italian Association of Manufacturing Technology

RECAM Value Proposition for industrial components manufacturing

Sebastian Schroeck, Robert Bosch GmbH Corporate Research

RECAM Value Proposition for aeronautics production systems

Maria Del Mar Otero Garcia, Compañía Española de Sistemas Aeronáuticos S.A.

Software tools and methods: Production resources capabilities description

Niko Siltala, Tampere University of Technology

Engineering flexible production systems

Giovanni Borzi, EnginSoft Spa

Managing flexible production systems reconfiguration

Marcello Colledani, Politecnico di Milano

Collaborative robots as flexible mechatronic objects

Mildred Puerto Coy, Tecnalia

The technology providers perspective: System integrators and mechatronic objects providers

Mauro Viscardi, Cosberg Spa

Robotics providers

Enrique Gil, DGH Robótica, Automatización y Mantenimiento Industrial SA

Control software providers

Gernot Collegger, nxtControl GmbH

Impact and Exploitation

Giovanni Borzi, EnginSoft Spa

Roundtable: the role of flexible production in the new industrial landscape

Moderator: Alessandro Marini, AFIL Associazione Fabbrica Intelligente Lombardia

Wrap up and conclusion

Sebastian Schroeck, Robert Bosch GmbH Corporate Research

After the Exploitation Event it will be possible to further discuss the project results the RECAM stand located in the Research Agorà area.

The main goal of RECAM is to develop and demonstrate the next generation of flexible production systems leaning on the reconfigurable modular production resources, associated engineering tools and control systems. The RECAM tools aim to support the capability based reconfiguration and auto-programming of the resources to a set of given product requirements. The project developments support the design and operation of future production systems that allow quick, cost efficient set-up and the fast integration of new product variants.

The main benefits of the RECAM technologies are the following:

  • producing smaller lot sizes and higher product variants in existing production systems;
  • reduction of the set-up , changeover times and costs for existing production systems;
  • reduction of average energy consumption through an optimised use of production capacity;
  • strong support for standardisation of communication protocols, data structures and tool connectivity.

The exploitation event has the aim to showcase the RECAM approach and results to interested Stakeholders from industry and academia.

The RECAM Consortium is composed of nine partners from industrial end users (Robert Bosch, CESA), technology providers (EnginSoft, Cosberg, DGH, NXTcontrol) and research institutions (Politecnico di Milano, Tampere University of Technology, Tecnalia)




The ReCaM project is a three year project funded by the European Commission in the Horizon 2020 programme under Grant agreement No: 680759

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